50 Percent Staff Cuts At Twitter

50 Percent Staff Cuts At Twitter

As a part of Elon Musk’s Twitter transformation plan, there have been almost 50 percent staff cuts at Twitter!

The Twitter transition team informed staff that they would receive an email today that would let them know whether they still have a job or not. And while there are no official numbers as yet, internal managers have pegged the cull at around 50% of staff, with many long-serving experienced Tweeps bidding farewell via tweet.

More recent reports had suggested that Musk would be looking to cut 75% of Twitter’s 7,500 workers, reducing the business to a skeleton crew of just over 2,000 to keep things running. Musk later denied this figure, claiming that it didn’t come from him – though today’s action is seemingly not so far off from that target.

Elon Musk’s original investor presentations, Musk did also note that Twitter would eventually look to bring in more staff once again, adding back over 2,700 employees by 2025, in line with platform growth.

It’s also not great news for those that are left, who will now be under more pressure, with fewer resources, to keep up with Musk’s reformation plans. On a related note, the Musk transition team has also called on the company to reduce infrastructure costs by $1 billion per year.

But will 50 Percent Staff Cuts At Twitter really transform Twitter in terms of revenue?

The future holds the answer. As of now, it’s a sad news indeed.

50 Percent Staff Cuts At Twitter 50 Percent Staff Cuts At Twitter 50 Percent Staff Cuts At Twitter

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