500 Million People Are Now Using WhatsApp Channels

WhatsApp Channels

The one way broadcast option – WhatsApp Channels is now being used by upto 500 million people globally!

Channels, which WhatsApp launched a year ago, is pretty much the same as Instagram’s Channels option, providing another way for creators and brands to stay connected with their audience via more direct means.

What are WhatsApp Channels –

Get information and relevant updates directly in WhatsApp by following the channels of people and organizations that interest you. Follow a channel to get updates like text, links to information, photos, or videos from them.

Updates appear in a separate tab of the app, away from your personal chats and calls. While some features might feel familiar to WhatsApp chats, channel updates are a one-way broadcast rather than a conversation. Followers can’t reply directly to updates or send messages to channel admins. Instead they can show their interest in a channel’s content by voting on polls or adding emoji reactions to channel updates.

You can find channels under the Updates tab (formerly the Status tab).

Use your channel to share things like:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Stickers
  • Links
  • Audio
  • Polls

You could, for example, run a promotions channel, with specials for channel members, or maybe you just want to maintain a DM broadcast stream for product announcements.

WhatsApp Channels are not available in all regions yet, but you can sign up here.

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