6 powerful SEO Tips for 2022

SEO tips for 2022

Are you one of the thousands millions of webmasters who is trying to rank on Google. Well, this article talks about quick SEO tips for 2022. This article is more of ‘what not to do’, rather than ‘what to do’.

‘What to do’ for SEO is a topic that contains numerous articles from experienced webmasters who have successfully ranked their webpage or webpages on Google Search Engine. However, today, we talk a little off the topic. We talk about ‘what not to do’.

The team from Lights.Camera.Social shares some SEO tips for 2022. These tips are a result of the research work that our agency carries.

Presenting 6 SEO tips for 2022 –

SEO tips for 2022

1. Your Page Load speed is too slow.

Alas, this point has been going on for generations among SEO practitioners! One of the major reasons why Google doesn’t give your webpage that #1 ranking is that your website takes a lot of time to load. This can be caused by many factors, like heavy un-optimised images on the webpage, poor CSS script, broken links, or a poor hosting provider, not limited to shared hosting.

The average page load time is 8.66 seconds. However, the recommended best is 3 seconds or even less.

You can check your website loading time here.

2. Your Bounce Rate is too high!

Bounce rate refers to the number of users that leave you site immediately after coming to it. It is different from time spent on the website. If you spend some time a particular website, but do not do any activity on it (like clicking on a Call to Action or watching a video), it will still be counted a bounce rate.

When your bounce rate is high, Google gets a signal that users ain’t satisfied with your webpage, hence they are leaving that particular webpage. It may also be a signal that there’s an issue with your websites design and/or usability.

You can check your webpage bounce rate here.

3. You haven’t secured your website with HTTPS.

HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. Google has clearly stated that when all other factors are in a tie, while ranking a webpage, ranking preference would be given to that particular webpage which carries the secure layer. In simple words, HTTPS > HTTP.

Hence, it’s a good idea to have a security layer on your website, even if you have a non-transaction webpage.

4. You have lots of duplicate content on your webpage.

Duplicity is big NO-NO for Google. In-fact, Google penalises those webpage which carry duplicate content. All the content on your webpage should be original. There is no percentage defining the percentage of duplicate content on your website, however, the lower the better.

Google has a lot of webpages to be indexed and duplicate content only overburdens the web servers and is might be confusing for some of it’s loyal search engine users.

5. You are prioritising Quantity of content over Quality of content.

Research and related studies have shown that longer blog posts have a higher chance of ranking high over search engines.

Google loves long articles. So, whenever you write an awesome article, make sure that the content is at least 1000 words. If you can manage 2000 words, nothing like it.

6. Your content is not optimised basis your targeted keywords.

Keywords play an important role in letting users find relevant articles on aa specific topic. In case your content does not carry keywords related to your trade/industry, chances are your webpage will be low hanging on the search engine visibility tree.

Include your trade related keywords in the content on your website. at the same time, ensure that you are not overstuffing those keywords,and the keywords are appearing naturally in the content of your website.

Follow these SEO tips for 2022 and grow organically on search engines.

SEO tips for 2022 SEO tips for 2022 SEO tips for 2022 SEO tips for 2022 SEO tips for 2022

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Lights.Camera.Social is a full fledged Digital Creative Agency offering the following services – 

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Email Marketing
  • SMS Marketing
  • Website design and development
  • Branding 
  • Pay Per Click Advertising
  • Digital Strategy
  • Content curation & Marketing

For more details, please email us at hi@lightscamerasocial.com