Movie binging has been an all time fav, more so, when travel restrictions are in place! Today, we present you the list of best movies about social media. This list consists of various genres, from comedy to thriller, even horror! For your convenience, we have also added the platform where you can watch a particular movie.
Best movies about social media –
Year of release – 2020
Category – Documentary, Docudrama
Watch it on – NETFLIX
No # 1 in our list and unmistakably the best of the lot!
If you truly want to understand why you see a particular type of posts on your feed, and why does an advertisement show up at a particular location, you surely should watch this.
“The Social Dilemma” tells us that many social media companies succeed by capturing as much of our attention as they can, then selling that attention to the highest bidders. As the saying goes, if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.
Below is the trailer –