TWITTER BLUE’ – Refined Wine in a Fresh Bottle for $2.99/M

Twitter Blue

The Social Media giant, Twitter has launched a paid subscription for it’s service named as – ‘Twitter Blue’

What is Twitter Blue?

Twitter blue is a paid service on iOS that offers a premium set of features –

  • Offers a choice of different coloured themes and custom icons to choose from.
  • There’s also “Reader Mode” which would presumably work like a thread unroll for those longish tweet storms.
  • An “undo” button that makes it possible to recall tweets within a certain timeframe. 
  • Better tools for organising bookmarks.
  • Custom icons are also available in purple, pink, green, black, orange, blue, and another icon with what looks like smudges of blue and purple.

What do you think of these new features? Is it worth the price? Or let’s say forget the price, are these features really important? Please let us know in comments below.

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