How does Instagram Algorithm work? Instagram Head Answers

How does Instagram Algorithm work

How does Instagram Algorithm work!? This has been a topic of interest for both creators and users alike.

With many rumours around the algorithm circulating, pertaining to reach and transparency of the platform, Instagram chief Adam Mosseri reveals for the first time – ‘How does Instagram Algorithm work’. This has been the first official statement since the inception of the Facebook-owned social media platform.

Digital creators and users, in general have a lot of questions about the platform. Some most common one’s being –

“How does Instagram decide what to show me when I open the app?”

“Why do I see the same type of posts everyday?”

“Why do I see repeated posts?”

“Why is my page reach at time high, other times low?”

“Why does the engagement on my page vary?”

“Why some of my videos get more views than others?”

& finally, the biggest of the all –

“How does Instagram Algorithm work?”

Instagram Chief Adam Mosseri answers it all in a Q & A session –

In the session, Mosseri provides a lot of insights. Some important ones that capture your interest are summarised below:

1. Mosseri says that Instagram can’t guarantee stable reach due to constant changes in the algorithm. Mosseri notes that as more people join Instagram, competition for reach is always changing, which means that users will see fluctuations in their reach stats.

2. In terms of best practices, Mosseri says that leaning into video is good, with the first two seconds being crucial to hook viewers in. Mosseri also notes that hashtags are still valuable for discovery, while posting consistently (Mosseri notes two feed posts per week, two stories per day) will help to build your following.

3. Mosseri says that the global rollout of Reels has been delayed due to music licensing in some regions

4. Mosseri explains that verification on Instagram is about providing identification for people who are more likely to deal with impersonation, and verification is normally assessed based on press mentions of the applicant.

5. Instagram is looking to do more on direct payments for creators (gated content, subscriptions, badges and tips), which Mosseri is keen to explore, as it gives creators a more direct relationship with their fans.

6. Don’t buy fake followers. Mosseri says that Instagram’s detection systems are improving, based on a range of factors, and purchasing followers can put your account at significant risk.

Each post on Instagram is apparently ranked based on information the app extracts about it. The most important one is the popularity of a post; however, your recent activity and history of interacting with someone also plays a role in this. The likelihood of you liking or saving the post, or commenting on it also plays a significant role.

These different pointers combine to determine how well the post will be ranked in your feed.

In a nutshell, it’s the same old wine coming from a branded new bottle. All of us you have spent a substantial amount of hours on the Facebook-owned platform are aware of these factors and have experienced them personally, some time or the other.

However, Adam Mosseri failed to address the questions related to reach and engagement, which remains unknown to the users, even after spending hours on the social media platform. Adam’s Q&A session is more of a general query session, rather than a deep insight into the much talked about and disliked – Instagram Algorithm.

Have you ever faced challenges with you Instagram Account? Have you ever felt that your reach is something which is being altered quite often, and many-a-times you see unwanted posts in your social media feed?

Well, the answers to these questions still remain a mystery, however, there is one thing for sure – That buying followers on your page is under strict vigilance, and soon actions would be taken to rectify the same.

Post safe; Be consistent; Keep growing – That’s the formula to grow on the Facebook-owned social media platform.

or it could be that – ‘The organic reach is dead!’

What do you think? Please share your opinion in comments below.

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