Facebook Usage Among Teens In Steep Decline

Facebook usage among teens

In a latest report, it came to light that Facebook usage among teens is following a downward trend. This fact isn’t quite surprising, considering, Facebook lost that oomph factor some years ago, especially as Instagram usage increased. However, whats quite surprising is the steep decline of Facebook usage among teens.

Facebook only reports the data it chooses to, and because of this, we can only speculate based on the information that Facebook does provide, which provides some indication of broader trends, but not demographic or platform-specific usage data, for the most part.

Facebook usage among teens

If Facebook usage among teens is declining, does it mean FB is done for?

Definitely not. The company is on track to bring in more than $100 billion in revenue in 2021, and it continues to expand into new regions around the world. But its investment into new technologies, like VR and AR.

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