Is Social Media Influencing our Food Choices?

Social Media Influencing our Food Choices

You log into Instagram and see a pic of a cheeselicious pizza & end up ordering that! Whats do you think – Is Social media influencing our food choices?

Here’s what the study says –

The research, by psychologists from Aston University’s College of Health and Life Sciences, found that study participants who viewed highly liked mock Instagram posts of fruit and vegetables ate a significantly higher proportion of grapes than cookies, with consumption of grapes increasing by 14 per cent more calories, compared to those who viewed highly liked high calorie foods.

The study, which is published in the scientific journal Appetite, investigated the acute effect of socially endorsed social media posts on participants’ eating behaviour. The 169 participants, who had an average age of 21 years old (but total ages across the group ranged from 18 to 48), were asked to look at mock Instagram posts of different types of food, that either had a few or a lot of ‘likes’, and later given access to grapes and cookies to consume.

Aston University psychology PhD student Lily Hawkins, who led the study alongside supervisor Dr Jason Thomas, said:

“The findings of the study suggest that not only exposure to healthy food images on social media, but those that are also heavily endorsed with ‘likes’, may nudge people to choose to eat more healthy foods, in place of less nutritious foods.”

“What we see others approve of eating and post about eating on social media can affect our actual eating behaviour and could result in a greater consumption of healthier meals and snacks.”

“One reason for this may be because thinking that others ‘like’ and eat fruit and vegetables nudges participants to alter their behaviour in order to fit in with what they perceive to be the norm.”

So, is social media influencing our food choices?

“The findings suggest that people do not simply passively view information about what other people are eating online, but that this digital information can shape our food preferences and choices, particularly when we think lots of other people like certain foods. It is promising that exposure to healthy foods, and likes of those foods, was related to greater intake of healthy foods.”

“Further research is needed to explore whether and how these findings can be translated into digital interventions to help support individuals who want to make healthier food choices, and to understand how social media platforms can be used as a tool to support healthy eating behaviour.”

In a nutshell, social media is a great tool for influencing behaviour. The more the likes on a certain food item or article, does have an impact on human behaviour. Lastly, all it matters is what we follow the most.

What do you think? Have you been lately influenced by Social media to order something? Let’s connect in comments.

social media influencing our food choices social media influencing our food choices social media influencing our food choices social media influencing our food choices social media influencing our food choices social media influencing our food choices

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