3 Tips To Grow Your Instagram

Tips To Grow Your Instagram

Holiday season is here and it’s time for businesses to engage shoppers. Today, we present you 3 useful tips to grow your Instagram. These tips were shared by Instagram itself on one of their blogs.

These tips are not just meant to grow your followers, but is also meant to grow your audience as well, in terms of Instagram follower base.

The pointers here are simple, and relatively easy to action – and they just might help drive more engagement and growth for your business. You can check out Instagram’s original post here.

Presenting useful tips to grow your Instagram –

Tips to grow your Instagram – 1

There used to be a time when marketing was more inclined towards sales, towards numbers, towards revenue. As the consumer market became more and more aware, the realm of marketing has shifted more towards an experiential motive. Consumers now-a-days love to be connected to a brand which has a story to narrate.

Tips to grow your Instagram – 2

Social media isn’t social media until an account socially engages with it’s audience. Hashtag research is one of the useful tips to grow on Instagram. Using hashtags increases the visibility of your post and makes your account reach to those people who do not follow you, but, are following that particular hashtag.

Tips to grow your Instagram – 3

People share what they love, it can even be an advertisement, at times! Sharing increases the probability of your account or post reaching out to more people having similar interests. Hence, create a short gif or a video that your targeted audience would love to see.

That’s all for today. Stay tuned for more awesome content!

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