DIGITAL CREATOR? Pandemic Impact – A quick report

Digital Creator

There no doubt that social engagement has risen during the pandemic times, however, truth be told, digital creator and influencers are having less impact.

Who is a Digital Creator?

A digital creator or a content curator is someone who is responsible for engagement on social media platforms and contribution of varied information to digital media, at large. The term was introduced in late 2018 on Instagram.

How much social media has growth during pandemic?

As per a report by Hootsuite –

Growth of social media in 2020

As the report clearly states that social media has added 376 million new users in 2020, but owing to uncertainty, several brands have shrunk their budgets.

These shrunken budgets has a direct impact on advertising, the chunk of which is done by influencers and digital creators on platforms like Instagram. Further, the need for digital content is increasing, but surprisingly the marketing budget allocated to digital creators has been shrunk – nearly a decline of 15% as compared to last year.

Well, the promise of vaccine has indeed given us a ray of hope, but, until and unless we have a concrete solution the big giants are going to wait and watch, specially in the field of marketing and advertising.

Check out more content driven IG page.