Sprout Social Report on Best Posting Times

Best Posting Times

An annual report from Sprout Social, provided the best posting times for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Before we show you excerpts from the report, please keep in mind that there’s no one perfect time for all businesses to post to any social app – but, if you’re trying to plan out your strategy, this report would be helpful that ways.

Best posting times for FB
Best posting times on Instagram

Again, these insights are not a rule book, they are not to say that ‘you must post at these times to see the most engagement in each app’. This is based on a sample pool of tens of thousands of users, and based on those insights, posting within these time periods could help you see more engagement, and drive more response with your updates.

All the best with your daily posting 👍

But it’s individual, it’s different for every brand, every audience, and you’ll need to test and experiment to find what works best.

Sprout Social report on best posting times can be read here.

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