Reels Have The Highest Reach On IG


With video content growing on social media, Instagram Reels are no exception.

This new chart from HypeAuditor provides some insight:

Reels have the highest reach

The HypeAuditor team analyzed 77.6 million Instagram posts throughout July 2022 to measure the latest engagement trends, based on format.

Following were the finds of the analysis:

  • The most commonly posted type of content on Instagram remains image posts, at 42% of all posts. Carousels came in second, at 26%
  • But look at that ‘Estimated Reach’ bar – Reels, despite being the third most popular post option, are seeing the most reach on the platform, by a notable margin. HypeAuditor measured relative Reach by analyzing the number of people who saw each post, based on public data
  • Reels are also generating a lot more Likes, though image posts still generate more comments, at least based on this sample set

Now we know the reason Instagram is focussing its attention towards Reels.

You can read the full report on Reels here.

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