Instagram Shops Will Soon Be History

Instagram Shops Will Soon Be History

Amid e-commerce retreat, Meta is scaling back Instagram Shops.

As reported by The Information:

Instagram is planning to drastically scale back its shopping features, the company told Instagram staffers on Tuesday, as it shifts the focus of its e-commerce efforts to those that directly drive advertising. The retreat shows how Meta Platforms is moving away from some long-term projects as it focuses on building its short-form video business.”

The Information reports that the current Instagram ‘Shop’ tab will eventually disappear from the app, with the company shifting to a ‘simpler and less personalized version’ of its in-stream product display.

To replace Instagram shops, the company would launch a public test, starting Wednesday, on the changes to its app designed to switch users to the “Tab Lite” version of the shopping page, the report said.

Instagram Shops will completely retreat in the next few months.

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