Mockup Of How Longer Tweets Would Look

Mockups Of How Longer Tweets Would Look

Musk is transforming Twitter, and in that plan of transformation, somewhere lies the proposal for longer tweets.

Longer Tweets

Musk has repeatedly noted his desire to build YouTube-like features into the app, enabling users to post longer video, in order to keep viewers from clicking across to another app to consume video content (and provide another monetization opportunity for creators). Longer text is another area of focus, with Musk also telling users that longer tweets – potentially up to 4,000 characters – are coming soon.

So how would that work? 

Short-form text has been a foundational element of Twitter, so you can’t just suddenly switch to walls of text dominating the tweet feed, right?

Recently, Twitter designer Andrea Conway shared some mock-ups of how longer tweets may look in-stream, and how the process could work, if/when implemented.

Look at the image mockup image below –

Longer Tweets

Twitter is experimenting with a similar notification for tweet creators, noting that only the first 280 characters will be displayed for their longer tweets.

The ‘longer tweets’ feature is still under experimentation, with no clarity on whether it would be available to all users or only Twitter Blue subscribers.

We will keep you posted for more.

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