Some Updates For Teens Using Facebook

Teens Using Facebook

Meta is improving it’s advertising policy for young users, specially teens using Facebook.

Now, there will be new restrictions on how teens can be targeted by ads in its apps, and new control options that will enable teens to opt out of ad topics.

First off, on ad targeting limits – following on from its already established restrictions on targeting younger users, which remove interest and activity as parameters for these audiences, Meta will now also remove gender as an option for advertisers to reach teens.

In the words of Meta –

“Age and location will be the only information about a teen that we’ll use to show them ads. Age and location help us continue to ensure teens see ads that are meant for their age and products and services available where they live.” 

In addition to this, Meta’s also rolling out new options that will enable teen users to control the ads they see in its apps.

“Starting in March, teens will have more ways to manage the types of ads they see on Facebook and Instagram with Ad Topic Controls, expanding on what’s already available. Teens will be able to go to their Ad Preferences within Settings on both apps, and choose ‘See Less’ or ‘No Preference’ to further control the types of ads they see.”

“Our Advertising Standards already prohibit ads about restricted topics – like alcohol, financial products and weight loss products and services – to be shown to people under 18 (and older in certain countries). But even when an ad complies with our policies, teens may want to see fewer ads like it. For example, if a teen wants to see fewer ads about a genre of TV show or an upcoming sports season, they should be able to tell us that.”

There are almost 32% teens using Facebook globally.

Teens Using Facebook Teens Using Facebook Teens Using Facebook Teens Using Facebook

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