Pinterest Advertising Tips

Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest has provided some new Pinterest Advertising Tips, based on various brand lift studies, incorporating feedback from over 120,000 Pinners.

Key Tips On Pinterest Advertising –

Upweight your spend towards video 

As with all social platforms, video is the most engaging format on Pinterest, and is the most resonant messaging vehicle for brands.

So impactful is video in the app that Pinterest advises that brands should aim for video to comprise between 50% to 60% of their media plan, in order to maximize ROI and response.

Keep your campaign feeling fresh 

Including ad variations in your creative mix can also improve your Pinterest campaign performance.

“A campaign with 10-15 creative executions (across a two month period) can drive a 3.2x increase in ad recall. While a campaign with 16+ creative executions can drive 2x the lift in favorability.”

Experiment with multiple objectives 

As noted, Pinterest’s main action point is that advertisers should aim to target consumers at each stage of the purchase cycle, as opposed to focusing on just one aspect.

As per Pinterest:

“By adopting more than one objective, advertisers have seen up to a 57% improvement in sales lift. If you’re focused only on conversion, you may forgo reaching new customers further up the funnel.”

These tips will surely up your game for Pinterest Advertising.

A screenshot from the article published on Pinterest

Pinterest Advertising Pinterest Advertising

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