Goodbye YAHOO Answers 👋

Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers, internet’s popular Q&A platform is shutting down, the company announced on Tuesday. Beginning April 20, 2021, users will not be able to post anything on the forum and the website will only be in read-only mode.

Yahoo Answers

Yahoo has confirmed that there will be no changes to any services.

Quick facts about Yahoo Answers

  • Yahoo Answers was first launched in June 2005
  • the non-beta version was launched to the general public on December 8, 2005
  • available in 12 languages
  • the readership and engagement has been falling since the last 3 years (one of the reasons its shutting down)

Yahoo also provided an email address — — to users who would like to leave feedback about the company’s decision.

What do you feel about this decision? Have you used Yahoo Answers lately? Please share your comment below.

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