X May Be Inflating its Ad Performance Results

X May Be Inflating its Ad Performance Results

A new report states that X May Be Inflating its Ad Performance Results.

As per data from SEMRush, which measures referral traffic from Google, X saw a very sudden, and massive increase in web referrals in April last year.

As you can see in this chart below, web referrals to www.twitter.com went from around a billion per day on average up to April 5th,2023, to more than 2 billion on April 7th. And since then it’s increased even further, and is now up to an average of around 3 billion referrals per day.

Worth noting, too, that www.x.com has also seen a similar traffic spike very recently, going from 390k referrals on February 14th, 2024, to 1.35m a day later.

Twitter had long held that the number of fake profiles in the app didn’t exceed 5% of its total mDAU count, based on its own sampling, but Musk claimed that it was actually much, much more, with his own team’s analysis finding that around 33% of Twitter’s active profiles were likely fake. Musk eventually settled on it being a more modest 20%, while noting that it was likely much higher.

The real insight will come from your own ad performance data, and what you’re seeing. If you’re noting that you’re X insights include a lot of clicks and engagement, but you’re not seeing the same reflected in your own analytics and performance data, then it could be that something’s not right, and that X is inflating those figures.

Essentially, as with all things digital marketing, individual results will vary, and if you’re still seeing strong ad performance on X, it’s probably worth sticking with it.

If all is going great on the advertising front on X for you, keep calm and carry on!

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