Common Cybersecurity Mistakes

Common Cybersecurity Mistakes

Today, we present an infographic on common Cybersecurity mistakes.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information, extorting money from users, or interrupting normal business processes. Effective cybersecurity measures typically involve multiple layers of protection spread across the computers, networks, programs, or data that one intends to keep safe. Here are some key components and aspects of cybersecurity:

  1. Network Security: Protects the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of computer networks and data using both software and hardware technologies.
  2. Information Security: Protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit.
  3. Endpoint Security: Secures endpoints or end-user devices like desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.
  4. Application Security: Focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats. A compromised application could provide access to the data it is designed to protect.
  5. Cloud Security: Involves securing data, applications, and services in the cloud.
  6. Identity and Access Management (IAM): Ensures that only authorized users have access to systems and data.
  7. Data Security: Protects data from destructive forces and from unwanted actions of unauthorized users.
  8. Mobile Security: Protects organizational and personal information stored on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
  9. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning: Involves processes and tools to respond to and recover from cybersecurity incidents.
  10. User Education and Training: Educates users on best practices to avoid falling victim to phishing attacks, using strong passwords, and understanding the importance of data protection.

Effective cybersecurity involves a combination of threat prevention, detection, and response processes. As cyber threats continue to evolve, so too must the strategies and technologies to counteract them.

According to a survey of 7,500 people, across 15 countries, the team from Visual Capitalist have come up with the five most common risky internet behaviors, which are:

  • Using a work device for personal activities
  • Reusing or sharing a password
  • Connecting to WiFi networks in public spaces without using a virtual private network (VPN)
  • Responding to a message from someone you don’t know
  • Accessing inappropriate websites

Infographic on common Cybersecurity mistakes –

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