New AI Tools For Job Seekers On LinkedIn

Job Seekers On LinkedIn

There’s this big update by the professional platform which has added new AI tools for job seekers on LinkedIn.

First off, on enhanced job search. LinkedIn Premium subscribers are getting access to a range of new job discovery and application tools, including AI-based job application feedback, enhanced cover letter assistance and conversational queries to find open roles.

LinkedIn’s also adding new AI assistance tools for Premium subscribers, including personalized career coaching powered by AI 

In the words of LinkedIn –

“Imagine finding an expert in their field and having a one-to-one conversation on topics they specialize in like negotiation, well-being, or business strategy. While most professionals would love that kind of access to help them grow, not everyone has that opportunity. So, we’re beginning to pilot the ability to get personalized practical advice instantly from industry leading business leaders & coaches on LinkedIn Learning, all powered by A.I. The responses you’ll receive are trained by experts and represent a blend of insights that are personalized to each learner’s unique needs.”

LinkedIn also notes that it’s adding up to 60 new LinkedIn Learning courses every week relating to major tech shifts.

Those include over 800 AI courses, such as how to build AI Literacy and advance your skills in deep learning. Additionally, we are launching new free courses to help members build cutting-edge technology skills, including those emerging in real-time, such as GPT-4o.”

It’s also adding personalized coaching, powered by AI, within Learning courses.

Great updates indeed!

Some tips for Job Seekers On LinkedIn from the team at Lights.Camera.Social –

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for job seekers, offering numerous tools and features to help you find and secure job opportunities. Here are some tips to optimize your LinkedIn presence and job search efforts:

  1. Complete and Optimize Your Profile:
    • Profile Picture: Use a professional, high-quality headshot.
    • Headline: Craft a compelling headline that clearly states your job title and key skills.
    • Summary: Write a concise and engaging summary that highlights your experience, skills, and career aspirations.
    • Experience: Detail your work experience with focus on achievements and responsibilities.
    • Skills and Endorsements: Add relevant skills and seek endorsements from colleagues.
  2. Build a Strong Network:
    • Connections: Connect with colleagues, industry professionals, and recruiters.
    • Engagement: Like, comment, and share content to stay active and visible in your network.
    • Groups: Join LinkedIn groups related to your industry and participate in discussions.
  3. Customize Your LinkedIn URL:
    • Create a personalized LinkedIn URL to make your profile more professional and easier to share.
  4. Leverage LinkedIn’s Job Search Tools:
    • Job Alerts: Set up job alerts for specific roles and locations.
    • Apply with LinkedIn: Use the “Easy Apply” feature to quickly apply to jobs.
    • Follow Companies: Follow companies of interest to stay updated on job postings and company news.
  5. Showcase Your Skills and Expertise:
    • LinkedIn Articles: Write and publish articles to demonstrate your knowledge and thought leadership.
    • Portfolio: Add multimedia (videos, presentations, projects) to your profile to showcase your work.
  6. Recommendations:
    • Request recommendations from colleagues, supervisors, and clients to build credibility and trust.
  7. Engage with Recruiters:
    • LinkedIn InMail: Reach out to recruiters with personalized messages expressing your interest in opportunities.
    • Recruiter Posts: Engage with content posted by recruiters to stay on their radar.
  8. Highlight Certifications and Courses:
    • Add relevant certifications, courses, and educational achievements to demonstrate your continuous learning and expertise.
  9. Optimize for Keywords:
    • Use industry-specific keywords throughout your profile to improve visibility in searches conducted by recruiters and hiring managers.
  10. Stay Active and Updated:
    • Regularly update your profile with new experiences, skills, and achievements.
    • Stay active by posting updates, sharing industry news, and engaging with your network.
  11. Tailor Your Profile for the Job You Want:
    • Align your profile content with the job descriptions of the roles you are seeking, highlighting relevant experiences and skills.
  12. Utilize LinkedIn Learning:
    • Take advantage of LinkedIn Learning courses to acquire new skills and add them to your profile.

By following these tips, you can enhance your LinkedIn presence, making it easier for recruiters to find you and increasing your chances of landing your desired job.

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