Report on Social Shopping Trends

Report on Social Shopping Trends

A new report on Social Shopping Trends says that social shopping is booming, more so in Asian markets as compared to the West.

For whatever reason, Western consumers just haven’t warmed to social shopping in the same way that Asian markets have. Yet, social media spending is increasing over time, at a steady rate. And given its adoption in China, the view is that Western regions will catch on at some stage, as more people spend more money in-stream, and younger users become increasingly accustomed to tapping “Buy” buttons, as opposed to being diverted to another site.

This new research report from eMarketer, which looks at social shopping adoption, and what inspires social shoppers to make a purchase in-stream.

Social Shopping Trends include those social media users who have purchased at least one thing via social apps over the past year.

Facebook is by far the leading platform for driving shopping behavior, followed by TikTok and Instagram, both at around half the rate of response.

As you can see in this chart below, in terms of shopping frequency, people who regularly use Snapchat and Reddit are more likely to make regular purchases in each respective app.

So again, while Facebook has a lot more users than either app, of the people who are engaged in these communities, their purchase likelihood is higher, and more regularly guided by in-app promotions and posts.

Whatever be the case, social media usage and spends are increasing drastically Year-On-Year.

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