Ads Safety Report 2022 by Google

Ads Safety Report 2022

Google has recently published Ads Safety Report 2022, which outlines the major areas and the number of ads that were removed due to violations in year 2022.

5.2 Billion Ads were removed from Google as per Ads Safety Report 2022.

In the words of Google –

“Our continued investment in policy development and enforcement enabled us to block or remove over 5.2 billion ads, restrict over 4.3 billion ads and suspend over 6.7 million advertiser accounts. And we blocked or restricted ads from serving more than 1.57 billion publisher pages and across more than 143,000 publisher sites, up from 63,000 in 2021.”

The top reason, however, as you can see in the screenshot below, is ‘Abusing the Ad Network’, which essentially relates to spammers and scammers trying to use the system to dupe users.

In addition to this, Google also removed over 50,000 YouTube channels and AdSense accounts created by China-based influence operations, among others, which is a whole other element of its content enforcement activity.

& here’s Google’s plan for 2023 –

Ads Safety Report 2022 Ads Safety Report 2022 Ads Safety Report 2022

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