Buying INSTAGRAM followers is like slow poison for your page!

Buy Instagram Followers Buying Instagram followers like dissolving your page in slow poison

Big numbers have always been a fascination for mankind. That’s how the race for INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS began. One fine day, you start your Instagram journey, and the tinsel of the platform dazzles you! You are darting hither and thither and you are stuck by ‘INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS SYNDROME’.

INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS SYNDROME – Are you suffering from it?

An off-dictionary title created by us, where-in an Instagram user treats the platform as the centre of his/her universe and measures it’s work performance based on likes and followers. In a more technical, bookish terminology, you can call it – ‘Instagram Derangement Syndrome’

As listed on Google, Instagram Derangement Syndrome is graded on a spectrum of 0% to 100%. The higher the percentage, the more deranged you are. We developed a small test to judge whether you are a victim of the syndrome or not.

Here’s how to test –

  • Assign 10 points for every pointer that holds true for you.
  • Score 0-20 : Not addicted
  • Score 20-40 : Moderate addiction
  • Score 40-60 : Borderline addiction
  • Score 60-80 : Highly addicted
  • Score 80-100 : Please take a break from Instagram. Detox yourself!

Listed below are 10 unique parameters, each carrying a weightage of 10%.

  1. Instagram is the centre of your universe – Majority of your day is spent idling on Instagram.
  2. You treat Instagram as a photography app – every meal, every destination is a photoshoot.
  3. Your motivation levels for the day depends on likes you get on your Instagram post.
  4. You like pictures just for the sake of double-tap.
  5. You measure your success in life by the number of Instagram followers.
  6. You believe that the number of followers on your Instagram page is directly proportional to happiness quotient.
  7. You are tempted to buy followers and likes and often search Google for the same.
  8. You treat businesses or personal profiles based on the number of followers on their page.
  9. You frequently day-dream about 1M followers on your page.
  10. Your conversations with friends revolves around IG followers.
Instagram Addcition

Are you smitten by Instagram Followers Syndrome? What’s you score? Please share in comments below.

The more your score, the more likely the tendency to buy Instagram followers.

From where to buy Instagram followers?

Well, even though we strongly oppose the idea, still, we would share the same, and leave it for you decide whether to buy or not. Just one request – Please read this complete article before making your decision.

There are numerous website offering paid followers. Now, they work in 2 ways –

a) They would give you a certain number fo followers for a certain amount. Those are not real profiles and are bots. It’s simply a number carrying no engagement value.

b) They would provide you with accounts that will regularly engage with your page. Not exactly like bots, but consider a bot with some backend programming, that would once in a while like you post.

Below are the list of websites from where you can buy paid followers –


…and numerous more!

We have deliberately not linked these websites because we are in no favour to promote them!

However, did you notice one thing – All these top paid followers websites leverage on one thing that’s common people suffering from ‘Instagram Followers Syndrome’. All of them use keywords like boost, real, growth, plenty, viral, likes, and likewise. A person who is addicted to seeing success by the number of Instagram followers, will obviously be tempted to use their services, once he/she comes across such websites.

Feel free to check these websites, however, do remember – Please read this complete article before making your purchase decision.

What would happen when you buy Instagram Followers?

Within an hour or so, when you make the payment on any of the aforementioned websites, your phone will start blipping as the followers start to flow in. You might feel like an Insta king or a celebrity, whose page is getting noticed faster than you ever imagined. Soon the notifications will start sounding grim, meaningless, just as The Diminishing Law Of Marginal Utility. (The law states that as consumption increases, the marginal utility derived from each unit declines)

Instagram Follower Syndrome
As the number of Instagram followers increase, the happiness derived from each increase decreases.

The above graph clearly states that as the. number fo Instagram followers increase, the marginal utility ot the level of happiness with each increase reduces. In some time, the red dots and blue dots will merge in the same line, on the same level – That would be a situation of no happiness, no sadness (neutrality). Further, down the graph, any increase in follower will lead to sadness, instead of happiness!

When you buy Instagram followers, you actually add a burden, an invaluable resource to the society, which acts as a deterrent for growth of a user, who is actually utilising social media for social good.

Karan Sharma, Founder – Lights.Camera.Social

Hence, you may think that the constant beep of your phone will provide you happiness but, as per human psychology, very soon it would lead to sadness, no wonder, as per recent report by the Royal Society for Public Health in the United Kingdom, Instagram is the worst social media channel for mental health.

How to check if a page has FAKE/PURCHASED followers?

Have a look at a snapshot of an Instagram profile with fake followers –


Observations to be made

  • Instagram username is alpha-numeric,
  • Instagram username does not make any sense, and sounds like a fake one,
  • No profile pictures,
  • Further, if you click on any of the user profile, you will notice a high-following-to-followers ratio (Below is an example),
  • Also, there is no post on their page.
  • If you visit such profile every single day, you will notice that their Instagram followers keep on fluctuating.

These profiles are not real profiles but are simply bots, which are just meant to increase the number of followers of you instagram page in case you plan to buy, and offer zero engagement.

Perhaps, if engagement was never on your mind, why did you create an account on Social Media! Social Media, be it be any platform is meant to add value to the end user, it’s not meant for FFF (Fake Follower Flamboyance)

Don’t do it. Please. For Humanity’s sake!

Buying followers can give you a great boost (at least for people with Instagram Follower Syndrome). But doing so will never let you know the real taste of success. Once you have grown as a creator or businessman, you can’t look behind and be proud of the hard work you did. The real taste of success will be known when you know what efforts you did to reach that level!

Also, purchasing fake followers disrupts the Instagram advertising algorithm and a business has to spend more to reach to a larger audience, as a certain part of your advertisement might be reaching out to bots, not humans. This further leads to wastage of ad spent and other intangible resources.

In short, it’s not good.

When you buy Instagram followers, you are adding an extra burden to Insta world, which will do nothing good, except increase the CPC (Cost Per Click) for serious advertisers on Instagram.


Social media is meant to socialise, add value, not for FFF (Fake Follower Flamboyance)!

So, how did you find this article? What are your thoughts on purchasing Instagram followers? Please comment below.

Here’s how you can boost your Instagram presence without buying fake followers – 9 Instagram trends you just can’t ignore in 2021

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