Clubhouse Available For Android Users In India From May 21st

Clubhouse Available For Android Users In India

Finally, Clubhouse Available For Android Users In India now available! Clubhouse, has announced during a town hall that its app will be rolling out to Android users across several countries by 21st May.

Clubhouse Available For Android Users In India but will remain invite-only for the time being.

Clubhouse’ fame however has decreased in the course of recent months and that not simply my assertion against yours, there’s information to back it up. As indicated by numbers assembled by investigation firm SensorTower, Clubhouse had 2 million downloads in January and keeping in mind that went up to more than 9.5 million in February. Downloads have since plunged, with downloads in March dropping to 2.7 million followed by a further dunk in April, when downloads dropped to under 1,000,000.

Related Reads : Beware – There is no android version of Clubhouse

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