9 Instagram trends you just can’t ignore in 2021

Instargam Guide for 2021

Since the evolution of digital marketing, and growth of its subsets, especially social media marketing, Instagram has been an all time favourite platform, both for sellers and consumer’s alike. Instagram trends for 2021 specifically hover around 2 theories –

a) to weave content keeping human-to-human marketing in mind;

b) to be more technical in writing content, as to please the SEO algorithm, which is more of a backend thing, which customers won’t see, but that would help your page show up in search results.

What so ever, you choose, we leave that to you. However, below are the 9 hottest trends for Instagram for 2021, which will not only please your audience, but the algorithm, as well. Let’s have a look 👇

Also check : How Social Media can drive business revenue? FAQ’s


Content will always be KING

As most of the articles over the Internet say, Content is the sole reason search began in the first place. Amidst this, one cannot undermine the important of good content. Curating good content is one of the foremost aspects of growing your business online. In the realm of digital marketing, it is termed as content marketing. Content marketing can be termed as the gasoline for your business engine. Good content is bound to increase engagement among your followers. Good content is more likely to get recommended, after all Instagram’s biggest users are hungry for content, age group being 18-44 years.

Instagram users

Above graph clearly states that people in the age group 18-44 are the most active users on Instagram, and that’s the age when you need more content. Content not only means text, but imagery, video, IGTV, reels, its all a form of content.

Another advantage of content is that it binds the reader to your page. If you consistently publish good content, chances are that netizens may recommend your page to others in the same niche, thereby increasing your search rankings. It;s like killing two birds with one stone – engaging both, the consumer and the algorithm!

Instagram Carousels

Carousels are a set of images in post. You can say it’s like a slideshow.

As per Instagram study, nearly 1 out of 5 posts published on Instagram are carousels. Carousels are a great way to express a lot of information in one go. A single carousel post on Instagram can have 10 slides, which means you have 10 posts in one to display your work. Sounds like a great idea, isn’t it?

Further, some stats reveal that carousel posts on Instagram (and LinkedIn) have a greater engagement level as compared to single photo posts. Also, the reach for your post will be higher. Once again, this will be benefit for both your consumers (or visitors) on page, as well as it will please the Instagram algorithm.

Instagram Hashtags

One of the most popular ways on growing on Instagram and making your posts reach out to a larger audience is by the use of Hashtags. Consider a hashtag (#) as a popular trending word. Most of the users on Instagram not just follow accounts, they follow hashtags as well.

A well-balanced approach, w.r.t., hashtags will attract relevant audience to your page and help you grow among your community. Most of the users on Instagram make the mistake of using hashtags, which are irrelevant to their post. Do remember that Instagram algorithm can read your images and related caption or text. If your hashtags are not matching your images, chances are that your reach will automatically be slowed by the algorithm.

Keep this in mind and use #hashtags to grow your page in 2021.


Instagram stories will a key contributor to Instagram marketing in 2021.

Stories are a great way to engage your audience. Too many posts on Instagram a day may hurt the algorithm (even though there are not many studies on this – it works differently for different users). However, it has been advised that 4-5 posts in day is more than the algorithm can digest and further posts may do more harm than good.

Instead, post 1-2 posts per day and complement the remaining content by Stories. One of the best part about stories is that you can use hashtags in stories to reach out to the targeted audience. Only one hashtag per story. Also, it gives your followers an easy way to engage with your page, as many followers may not check the content of your page on regular basis, however, most of them will check the story.

There are numerous ways to engage your audience in stories. Also, it is a great way to take customer polls, or create a buzz about an upcoming product or service. Also, you can create a love meter, to which audience can respond how they resonate with a particular post. Try it out!

Instagram reels

Introducing Instagram Reels: a new way to record 15 to 30-second clips set to music on Instagram.

If Reels sounds a little familiar, you’ve likely seen the new tab take centre stage on the new Instagram navigation bar. And, almost everyone is comparing Instagram Reels to TikTok. With Tik-Tok losing a major chuck of its target audience in 2020, Reels might emerge as a direct competitor to Tik-tok in 2021.

Instagram reels was launched in August 2020 and has already gained much traction. It’s a great way to showcase your business with video and text. Many users on Instagram prefer short videos over text. You can gauge what suits your audience by running an Insta story poll. If the poll results are more inclined towards videos, Reels is your pathway to more engagement and more following.

Instagram popular topics

Searching hashtags can give you an idea what are the popular topics trending on Instagram. Also, there be many topics trending, but bear in mind that your hashtags should be related to your post. Here’s a quick chart which shows the trending topics on Instagram, in general –

Trending topics on Instagram
Engage with Instagram followers

Bots don’t interact; Humans do.

Bear this in mind if you want to grow your Insta page. Prepare posts that will engage with your type of audience and make it a point to show gratitude often, and when required. Check out our Instagram Page for the post of 22nd January & 25th January, 2021.

Engaging with your audience is a great way of growing your page and hence increasing your business revenue. Comment on other posts, but don’t comment for the sake of commenting, offer help to others when required and gratitude when someone offers to help you, and support you by following your page.

Instagram Causes

Social media is no longer a tool for promotion of your business. It’s widely used for spreading the right message to the billions of users on social media. Movements like #MeToo #BlackLivesMatter #ElephantDeath stirred a lot of attention via social media.

Social Media Marketing has become more of like spread the right message marketing, and when you support the right cause, Instagram stands with you. If you are creating posts that support causes, the algorithm will make your post reach out to more people, who support the same cause, thereby growing your page.

Instagram Location based search

With geo-tagging and geo-targeting catching up in 2021, the posts which have a location added to them will have a higher reach. It’s always a good idea to add location to your posts. Adding a location to your post also helps your targeted audience to know where you are located and hence, the chances of interacting with your page, or purchasing a product/service from you, becomes higher.


  • Content is King
  • Carousels rule
  • Explore hashtags
  • Instagram stories
  • Reels
  • Important trending topics
  • Engage
  • Support causes
  • Add a location

Happy Digital Marketing – 2021!

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