Facebook is Testing a Scrollable Info Bar Beneath Ads

Scrollable Info Bar Beneath Ads

Facebook is experimenting with a way to provide more content on paid promotions via a scrollable info bar beneath ads.

It will a horizontal scrollable info bar beneath ads.

As you can see in this example, some users are now seeing additional advertiser info – like business location, user check-ins and Page followers – below the ad visual.

How a scrollable info bar beneath ads would be useful?

It could be particularly beneficial in weeding out scammers who are seeking to misuse Facebook ads for nefarious purpose. You can buy fake followers, for example, but it’s harder to falsify physical business check-ins, while the additional location data, which is now compulsory for advertisers in certain categories, could also highlight potentially misleading ads directly in-stream.

In addition to this, Facebook’s also added more context to its ‘Why Am I Seeing This?’ ad information panels, which show how each advertiser has targeted each user, and the means they’ve used to obtain their targeting information.

This seems like a good experiment by Facebook , which would push ad legitimacy and reduce spam ads.

What do you think of this? Share your views in comments below.

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