FACEBOOK likely to remove the LIKE button


Facebook has recently introduced the New Pages Experience.

The redesigned layout makes it more simpler for digital creators, public figures, actors and artists to connect with like-minded brands or artists in a simple manner.


What’s new in FACEBOOK re-design?

  • ‘Likes’ tab will be removed.
  • Only ‘followers’ tab will remain.
  • One touch navigation between personal profile and pages (just like you switch accounts on Instagram).
  • More insights features.
  • Dedicated news feed.
  • Simple page design.
  • Focus on followers.
  • New safety features that will prevent spammy attacks.

The update will be rolled out to pages across the coming months, however, FB has started testing some accounts for this feature. A lot of algorithm changes have been made since the last year on FB. Recently, the platform has also dropped the reach and engagement for accounts in European Union. The move has been implemented because of the new EU rules known as the ePrivacy directive.

Read also – Apple page unverified by FB.