Facebook Usage Among Young Adults – New Steps In Line

Facebook usage

There’s no denial that Facebook usage among young people is on the decline. Honestly, we do not need to see any reports for that, even thought he same was confirmed by recent Facebook File Leaks (see screenshot below)

facebook usage
Facebook usage among young adults

As you can see in the screenshot above, Facebook usage is on steep decline, as the youth has shifted to more pep platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok. We, as a consumer are least bothered about the shift, however, the social media giant is worrisome about the decline of Facebook usage among young adults.

It’s not that Facebook hasn’t taken any steps to generate interest among the teens. It has integrated Reels to Facebook, added stories, and overall has done efforts to improve the overall linking experience between Facebook and Instagram, however, seems like it’s very own platform, Instagram has become a threat to it’s older sibling!

What does Mark Zuckerberg has to say about decline of Facebook usage among young adults?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that the platform will make winning back the youth a key priority moving forward – even if that means losing older users as a result.

In the words of Zuckerberg –

“We’re retooling our teams to make serving young adults their north star, rather than optimizing for the larger number of older people. Like everything, this will involve trade-offs in our products and it will likely mean that the rest of our community will grow more slowly than it otherwise would have. But it should also mean that our services become stronger for young adults. This shift will take years, not months, to fully execute, and I think it’s the right approach to building our community and company for the long term.”

Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg clearly understands that losing touch with the young adults would mean dissolution of the social media giant in the long run. Hence, Team Facebook is determined to take some steps to increase Facebook usage among young adults.

Whoa…wait…what steps!?

Candidly, we or no one has a clear roadmap, vis-a-vis, the steps to be taken but, we do have some insights as to what Facebook is aiming for.

Facebook is going to focus more on Reels.

“Reels is already the primary driver of engagement growth on Instagram. It’s incredibly entertaining, and I think there is a huge amount of potential ahead. We expect this to continue growing and I am optimistic that this will be as important for our products as Stories is. We also expect to make significant changes to Instagram and Facebook in the next year to further lean into video and make Reels a more central part of the experience.”

The aim is to re-focus on Facebook usage among teens and young adults. Here’s another screenshot for the infamous Facebook Files Leaks –

Steps to increase Facebook usage among YA (Young Adults)

The above screenshot might be a bit blurred off, but we have made it easier for you. Here’s what it says –

  • Fix the Fundamentals – Helping young users connect with the people, interests and content they care about.
  • Enable positive, productive experiences – Help young users feel good about the time they spend in the app, and connected to what’s happening in the world.
  • Help YA achieve their goals and create change – Provide differentiated services to help young users solve problems that they face.

These are just general notes and in no way it describes the steps in line to increase the Facebook usage among Young adults and teens, but, we for sure know that’s something’s cooking!

The newer cousin, Instagram has become such an integral part of young adults, life, it’s like a photo album, something that cannot be done without. The changes in line to increase Facebook usage among adults is a slow and gradual process, as it’s difficult to shift the focus of the millennials.

But, we are sure that with the steps to increase Facebook usage, some exciting features would be integrated to the platform to make it more lively and attractive to the younger generation.

Of course, the old gem shouldn’t lose its charm.

This would be some changes on the advertising front, as well.

Fingers crossed 🤞🏼

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