Facebook Usage Is UP! Report

Facebook Usage Is UP

An internal insights report shared by The Wall Street Journal says that Facebook Usage is UP, thanks for AI targeting models.

Facebook Usage Is UP

As per WSJ –

“Data gathered in the middle of the fourth quarter showed that time spent on [Facebook] was up worldwide, including in developed markets, over the course of a year.”

“Because ads in Reels videos don’t currently sell for as much as those sold against regular posts and stories, Reels’ growing share of content consumption was denting ad revenue. To protect the company’s earnings, the company cut back on promoting Reels, which lowered watch time by 12%, and as a result, Facebook usage is up.

& the Facebook Usage is Up not because of still posts only, but, because of AI targeting models.

“Heavy investment in artificial intelligence tools has enabled the company to improve ad-targeting systems to make better predictions based on less data, according to the interviews and documents […] That, along with shifting to forms of advertising less dependent on harvesting user data from off its platforms, are key to the company’s plans to overcome an Apple privacy change that restricted Meta’s capacity to gather information about what its users do outside its platforms’ walls, the documents show.”

If you were thinking of diversifying your social media marketing spend this year, maybe don’t reduce Facebook investment just yet.

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