FB being xtra-precautious close to Biden inauguration


After the January 6th mishap, FB is taking precautionary steps to prevent a repeat of the last episode.

After the attacks of the US Capitol, it came to light that many activists used FB event pages to gather people for protest and violence.

In the wake of this,

FB has decided to bar event pages

…in near vicinity to the US capitol. Also, the pages won’t be allowed live video streaming as a part of the precautionary measure.

“We are blocking the creation of any new Facebook events happening in close proximity to locations including the White House, the US Capitol building and any of the state capitol buildings through Inauguration Day,” FB announced prior to Jan 20th celebrations.

Further, non-U.S. accounts and pages will continue to be barred from creating events inside the U.S., as was the case ahead of and after the 2020 election. Facebook also said that it’s “restricting some features for people in the US based on signals such as repeat violations of our policies,” but offers no details as to who, exactly, is affected.

Thoughts? 👇

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