Google launches a 1000+ products shopping guide – “BEST THINGS FOR EVERYTHING

Google - Best things for everything

Google has recently launched a shopping guide, featuring the best products to shop over the internet. Google has named their guide – “Best things for everything“. It consists of 1000+ products that were most bought online.

There is no denying that online shopping has surged to an all new level, since last year, and Google, as always, made it easy for their users to browse the best of everything.

A brief summary of Google’s “Best things for everything”

The guide lets you browse eight different product categories, featured below –

  1. Babies and toddlers
  2. Electronics
  3. Games, arts and crafts
  4. Health and beauty
  5. Home and office
  6. Outdoors and on the road
  7. Pets
  8. Sports and fitness

Each of these categories contains that best selling online items. The items are not necessarily of the brand, but, its a conglomeration of multiple brands showcasing their products under different categories.

Google’s guide should be a helpful tool that allows you to research lots of products and see what everyone else has been buying for the last year. Don’t get too attached, though. It’s only available for a few weeks, though we aren’t sure of its specific end date — or whether this could be a test run for something more permanent.

We will update more details are we get aware of the same.

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