GOOGLE CHROME 87 now makes executing commands easy.

Google Chrome
Google Chrome

Google Chrome has an all new update and we are all gala about it! Google keeps its users glued to their seats by rolling out regular updates Some updates are consumer centric, while other are business centric. This time, Google has rolled out a consumer centric update. The new update will be featured on Google Chrome 87.

Here’s a quick preview of the update –

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What is Google Chrome 87?

Chrome 87 includes an all new PDF viewer, plenty of more and exciting performance updates, and fresh wallpapers for Chrome OS. Google released Chrome 87 on November 17, 2020. The Chrome browser will either automatically install the update or ask if you’d like to install it.

Which commands can you use on GOOGLE CHROME?

Google Chrome

The above list consists of some commands that you can use on Google Chrome in the address bar. Google is slowly rolling out new commands. This move is initially available on desktop and the primary focus as of now has been privacy and security of the customer.

Google officially calls this update implementation as the ‘Omnibox’, since it had been designed to take care of most commonly used commands.

Furthermore, as always, the update would not be available to all the users right away. It will be rolling out slowly. To test if you have received the update, simply, type the aforementioned actions/commands in your address bar. If they work, you have received the update.

This update proves to be a lot user-friendly for the users, wherein users can directly enter commands in the address bar, rather than digging their way all through the menus while trying to find a particular command. We are sure that very soon Google will be unveiling the list of commands that can be used to make several tasks easier.

This cannot be termed as an innovation by Google, as many web browsers had this feature, way before Chrome rolled it out, but, nevertheless, it sounds quite promising and exciting.

Do check it out!

Check also – Google is now testing ads on Google Chrome.

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