THE GREAT CONJUNCTION : A show once seen 397 years ago 😳”LIVE TODAY!” 🤔🧐


Year 2020 has been a year of obstinate turbulence. With 2021 over the horizon, 2020 has a celestial delight in store – THE GREAT CONJUNCTION.


The Great Conjunction

The great conjunction is the conjunction of giant planets – Jupiter & Saturn, when these 2 appear the closest in the sky. Even thought Jupiter and Saturn cross paths, every 20 years, this time its riveting! – Its the closest conjunction mankind has witnessed since July 16th, 1623! The angular distance between the 2 planets will be 0.1 degrees, hence they will appear as double planets in the sky!

The Jupiter Saturn Great Conjunction is being referred to as the ‘Christmas Star of 2020’.

This is once in your lifetime event, as the planets won’t appear this close before 2080. Here what NASA tweeted on this –

The Great Conjunction visibility in India

In India, skywatchers can watch the planetary dance between 1830 hrs to 1930 hrs. As per NASA, no special equipment is necessary to view it as the giants can be viewed from the naked eye. We say, use binoculars or a small telescope for enhanced experience.

Webcasting will also be done on various YouTube channels catering to this subject.

For those who want to see this exhilarating experience, we have a few tips –

  • Find an open spot, preferably a terrace or someplace with no obstructions.
  • Approximately an hour after sunset, around 1830 hrs., look in the southwestern sky (use your phone compass for directions).
  • Jupiter will appear like a bright star, easily visible from naked eye. In comparison to Jupiter, Saturn would appear fainter and would be placed on the top left side of Jupiter.
  • Watch the fascination uncover, as the the giant gas planet Jupiter overlaps Saturn gradually, and eventually they exchange their positions.
  • In case you are using binoculars, you would be able to view Jupiter’s 4 moons orbiting the planet.


BTW, today also marks the beginning of Winter Solstice, which means Late Dawn, Early Sunset & Short Days!

Whoa, #WinterIsComing #ChristmasIsComing

P.S. – Even though we are a digital creative agency, and take pride in propelling businesses to greater revenues by unparalleled marketing, we do carry inclination towards universal phenomenon. After all, the creation of the universe and THE BIG BANG THEORY is the sole reason homo-sapiens appeared in the first place!

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