Google Search Console has New Insights

Google Search Console

Google Search Console has been a favourite analytics tool for advertisers and webmasters. As per the new update, Google Search Console now offers insights to provide quick pointers on key website visitor trends.

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free web service offered by Google, which allows webmasters (a person who owns the website, or who is responsible for making changes or promoting the website) to monitor several key stats related to a particular website.

It also helps webmasters to analyse key metrics for the website among a Google’s organic (free) search listing. Some metrics include –

  • Page experience
  • Mobile usability
  • Sitemap submission
  • Performance metrics
  • Total clicks
  • Total impressions
  • Average CTR
  • Average position…to name a few.

Here’s how you can access Google Search Console.

What’s new in Google Search Console?

As you can see in the picture above, the new quick insights will now offer –

  • Highlighting key trends based on users activity,
  • Post wise performance, basis which you can boost good performing posts via Google Ads,
  • Key search terms for your website ensuring you capitalise on opportunities,
  • Improved real time data.

In the words of Google –

“Whether you are a web content creator, a blogger or a website owner, and no matter your level of technical expertise, Search Console Insights can provide you with an overview of how your content is performing.”

How to access Google Search Console new feature?

Webmasters will be able to access the new feature easily, as it will show up in beige color on the top of your search console, something like this –

Once a user clicks on ‘Search Console Insights’, a new tab would open which will contain all key metrics for your website. It will also show you the average time crawlers take to crawl new content on your website.

And as noted, Google’s also looking to add the functionality into its mobile app:

“In the iOS Google App, select “Search Console Insights” in the account menu (tap your profile picture). We are working to also add Android Google App support.”

At the moment, the feature is not rolled out to all mobile users, but, over a period of time, it would be accessible by all.

How to use the new Google Search Console feature?

As soon as you click on ‘Search Console Insights’, it will show you all the posts for your website.

Now, let’s say that you own a blogging website, and want to measure you blog posts performce.

The new feature will allow you to check the key metrics for every single blog post. Firstly, it will show you the average performance for the last 28 days. Once you click on a particular blog post for detailed insights, it will show you –

  • Page Views for the post
  • Average page view duration
  • Top traffic channels
  • Referring links from other websites (Backlinks)
  • & if you have posted the link on social media, the performance for the same.

Google Search Console new feature is pretty cool and self explanatory. It does not include any jargons and even people with little knowledge about Google Search Console can understand it with ease. Try out the new feature today. Visit Google Search Console and simply follow the on-screen instructions.

Have you been using Google Search Console? What do you think of this new feature? Please let us know in comments below.

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