Using Google Chrome? Check if you are being tracked…


People often say – “Google knows more about you than your wife!” & oddly enough – That’s true! Last year, in 2020, Google took an initiate to end third-party cookies as you browse the web using Google Chrome. However, this year, it’s starting to roll out its cookies replacement, a tracking mechanism called a “Federated Learning of Cohorts,” or FLoC.

What are cookies?

Consider cookies as bots. Small packages containing information about a user browser data, which makes it easy for advertisers to target people over the internet, based on their interests and browsing behaviour. Google has said it wants to make internet browsing feel less invasive, but it also wants to keep online advertising money coming in. 

Are you being tracked by Google?

Click here to check the same.

Google FLoC

What does my FLoC ID mean?

If you have been assigned a FLoC ID, it means that your browser has processed your browsing history and assigned you to a group of “a few thousand” similar users. The FLoC ID is the label for your behavioural group. This numeric label is not meaningful on its own. However, large advertisers (like Google) and websites (like… Google) will be able to analyse traffic from millions of users to figure out what the members of a particular FLoC have in common. Those actors may use your FLoC ID to infer your interests, demographics, or past behavior.

Is this something to worry about?

Not exactly, since all search engines use cookies to collect data for advertising and it has been such for quite a long time now. Further, the search engine giant is only testing this feature among some specific users, which would have been picked up randomly.

Are you on of them? Click here to check.

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