Google Adds Latest Updates on Vaccine Safety, Efficacy and Side-Effects to Search


Google has made it easier in finding correct vaccine related information on the internet is critical especially as a massive second wave of the pandemic sweeps the country. To help users do precisely that, Google has laid down a range of updates across its various services to not only aid the vaccine drive but also help health authorities and affected groups find assistance quicker.

“You will also find information about prevention, self-care, and treatment under the Prevention and Treatment tab, in easy-to-understand language sourced from authorised medical sources and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,” said Google in a blog post.


There’s a component on Google Maps as well. Google Maps will currently show you if an emergency clinic has beds and admittance to clinical oxygen, in view of publicly supported data. This data may not be right on the money – as is generally the situation with publicly supported data, however it very well may be helpful detail for somebody hoping to get a friend or family member hospitalized close by.

Google pay contribution👇

Google Pay has a COVID help crusade set up too where the individuals who wish to give to associations that assistance COVID-influenced residents can do as such. A portion of the associations highlighted as a feature of this mission incorporate GiveIndia, Charities Aid Foundation, Goonj, Save the Children, Seeds, UNICEF India (National NGOs) and United Way. “This mission has raised more than $4.6 million [INR 33 crore] to date and keeps on creating genuinely necessary help for aid projects,” it said.

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