Grow YouTube Channel Via Shorts

Grow YouTube Channel

With YouTube Shorts growing rapidly, You Tube has published some insights on how to grow YouTube channel via YouTube Shorts.

In the video below, YouTube product manager Pierce Vollucci, answers some of the most common questions that creators ask about Shorts, which could help you develop your own Shorts strategy.

Grow YouTube Channel Via Shorts

Vollucci explains that, based on YouTube’s analysis, channels that create both Shorts and long-form video are performing better, overall, than those that aren’t investing time into Shorts.  

“The channels that made Shorts actually seem to be growing faster. We anticipate that audience demand for short-form content is here to stay. This is a format that’s becoming increasingly popular, and the very reason we’ve been investing so much in more mobile-first creation tools and Shorts Discovery.”  

Vollucci also discusses Shorts strategy, and how creators should look to get started with Shorts clips.

“As a creator, you should think about which formats to use and how, and that’s about experimentation. Viewers love entertaining content, and that’s what’s going to get recommended. But, different viewers have different preferences, and different creators are more or less skilled at different formats. Try a bunch of different things, and make more of what works.”

Vollucci explains that the viewers that are watching Shorts aren’t always the same viewers watching longer form content.

“For context, when we first launched Shorts, we included all those Shorts videos in viewers’ watch history. So when viewers were going back out of Shorts, they started getting recommendations of really short videos which our system had learned from their watch history. At this time, this actually led to a lot of viewer complaints, as many people didn’t want a lot of Shorts videos in their homepage. For this reason, we separate Shorts and long-form watch history. So when someone discovers a new channel via Shorts, we’re not currently using that to inform what longer videos are recommended to them outside of the Shorts experience.” 

Vollucci says that every Short is given a chance to succeed, ‘no matter the channel or the number of videos on the channel’. 

“Performance of a Short is dictated by whether or not people are choosing to watch and not skip a video in the Shorts feed. That audience engagement is often built over time, as opposed to happening instantaneously.”

Do watch the video above to gain more insights on how to grow YouTube Channel.

Grow YouTube Channel Grow YouTube Channel Grow YouTube Channel Grow YouTube Channel

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