Have You Checked the 2022 Recap Templates For Instagram Reels?

2022 Recap Templates For Instagram Reels

Instagram has a new way to celebrate 2023 by providing users 2022 recap templates for Instagram Reels, which incorporate narration from various celebrities.

Have a look at the image below. Instagram is now prompting users to ‘Create Your 2022 Recap Reel’ in-stream, which, when activated, will take you through the process of adding posts and videos that you’ve uploaded throughout the year into a dedicated Reels template.

2022 Recap Templates For Instagram Reels

In the words of Instagram –

“After choosing your template and narration, you’ll manually select your own content – videos, photos and memories – from the past year to feature in your Reel and share with your followers.”

Which seems a bit weird. I mean, surely you don’t need someone else narrating your own memories? 

But then again, the influencers chosen to narrate these templates are very popular, including Bad Bunny, Badshah and DJ Khaled.

2022 Recap Templates For Instagram Reels will be available globally for several weeks into 2023.

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