Shy of low Instagram Likes on your post? NOT ANYMORE!

Instagram Likes

Are you one of those whose content creation on Instagram depends on your Instagram Likes? Do you create posts as per the Instagram likes you get? Does your motivation level fluctuate basis the likes on your Instagram posts?

Well, if you feel that Instagram likes are a way of validating your content from users, and the pressure of low likes is building on your mental health, the social media platform recently revealed that it is experimenting with letting users hide “like” counts on their posts instead of completely disabling the feature for users. This will give Instagram users the freedom to choose what they prefer – likes or no likes.

“In 2019, we started hiding like counts for a small group of people to understand if it lessens some pressure when posting to Instagram. Some people found this beneficial but some still wanted to see like counts so they could track what’s popular,” said a Facebook spokesperson.

That’s all the information, Facebook has disclosed as of now. The social media platform hasn’t even confirmed when the feature would be rolled out and in which demographics.

Are you in favour of hiding Instagram Likes?

Please comment below.

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