How To Remove An Image From Google?

Remove An Image From Google

You search your name and you find your image on Google, & you may not want it. This article mentions how to remove an image from Google.

Please note that this is a new Google feature and can be only used by minors for their personal images. With kid’s security and parents apprehensions in mind, Google has implemented a new and simplified process for those under 18 to request removal of an image from Google (personal images only)

In the words of Google –

“While we already provide a range of options for people seeking to remove content from Search, we know that kids and teens have to navigate some unique challenges online, especially when a picture of them is unexpectedly available on the internet. With a newly implemented policy, anyone under the age of 18, or their parent or guardian, can now request the removal of their images from Search results, following a few simple steps. This means these images won’t appear in the Images tab or as thumbnails in any feature in Google Search.”

How to request the search engine to remove an image from Google?

The process is really simple. Just go to this link and follow the steps.

Remove an image from Google

To remove an image from Google, users will have to enter the URL of the image, as well as the associated URL’s. Google also asks for the search terms that return the image result, to the best of your knowledge, in order to get a complete view of what needs to be removed from Search.

Post that, Google will honour your request and keep you updated with the progress. Please note that removal of an image from Google is purely on Google’s discretion and can be termed as a privilege and not a right.

Also, the removal of an image will not lead to disappearing of the image from the search engine entirely. If the image has been used on any website, the owner of the image will have to contact those respective websites. This process is only to remove an image from Google.

Good step!

Now parents can request to remove an image from Google, for their minor children. This will also mean that now marketers have to be more careful which image they use for their marketing campaigns.

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