How To Schedule Tweets?

How To Schedule Tweets

‘How to schedule tweets’ – Perhaps this question has got a low of eyeballs in the past few years (at least, that’s what Google Search Tools say!). And why not, when this small habit can save you lots of time and can help you focus better on the bigger picture, i.e., content creation.

Scheduling tweets on Twitter offer myriad benefits, some of them being –

  • when you schedule Tweets, you’re giving your audience a consistent stream of engaging content,
  • when you post consistently, it can help you get a lot of new followers,
  • you don’t have to worry on a busy day about taking out some time to tweet,
  • you can be on track with your social media calendar without having to be in front of your computer to manually send Tweets at odd hours,
  • scheduling can help you plan out a great social media content strategy,
  • & much more…

Here’s how to schedule tweets on Twitter –

Step 1 : Log-in to Twitter using your Username and Password.

Step 2 : Click on Tweet icon (see image below)

Click on the TWEET icon

Step 3 : Write you Tweet. Maximum Tweet character length is 280 characters.

Step 4 : Click on the Calendar (Schedule) icon (see image below)

Step 5 : Select the time and date you want to schedule the Tweet.

Step 6 : Click on Confirm.

That’s it, you have scheduled you tweet! Do try this out.

How to View Scheduled Tweets?

Click on scheduled tweets icon

Happy Twittering!

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