IG Algo to Focus on Original Content

Original Content

This update might break millions of hearts, but, it’s a blessing in the long run! IG is working on an update that will be more focussed on original content curators.

Instagram chief Adam Mosseri has announced that Instagram is making update to the way that it ranks content, in order to put more focus on original work.

Further, he said –

“If you create something from scratch, you should get more credit than if you are resharing something that you found from someone else. [As such] we’re going to do more to try and value original content more, particularly compared to reposted content.”

Here are some questions to which the instagram chief replied –

Content edited outside of Instagram, then uploaded to the app, won’t be penalised under this change. 

As per Mosseri: “The idea is if you made it, it’s original. It’s okay if you edited it outside of Instagram and then bring it in via the gallery.” As you may recall, Instagram announced last year that content re-shared from other apps which included visible watermarks would be downranked, which was specifically focused on re-shares of TikTok content to Reels.

Content with visible logos or watermarks will still be penalized under that policy, in Reels at least, but outside of that, the change is not designed to stop people sharing content edited outside of IG itself.

Posting history is a factor. 

Mosseri notes that content aggregators are the focus of this update, and Instagram will be able to refer to an account’s posting history as one way of determining this. “If the account is an aggregator, we’ll more likely be able to detect that it’s not original.” So if you’re re-posting a lot of stuff from other accounts, you’ll likely see a reach decline. Posting trending memes has been a simple way to boost engagement up till now, but maybe, that will no longer be the case.

Instagram’s original content ranking is a work in progress.

Mosseri admits that Instagram can’t know for sure if content is original or not. “We build classifiers to predict how *likely* something is to be original, but that’s not knowing. We look at things like who’s in the video, and if we’ve seen the video before.” So maybe, if you’re sharing content from other sources, there’ll be different people in all of your uploads, and that could be a signal, while Instagram’s algorithm will also look for replicated posts.

How will Instagram know which account is the originator, and which is the replicator? Time posted could be one factor, but Mosseri notes that “if it’s someone pretending to be the original creator, which is less likely but could happen, it’ll be hard for us to know.”

Well, the policy will have a lot of questions, for the original content curators and other curators alike.

Some questions that are coming to our mind –

How will Instagram algorithm differentiate between original content and tweaked content.

If you post content from other platforms to IG, will that be counted as original content?

What percentage of content should be original?

& a lot lot more…

Let’s see how this shapes up.

original content original content original content original content original content original content original content original content

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