Instagram Envisions some Changes for Young People on the App


Instagram and other social media platforms have always been cautions how young people are interacting on the platform. Instagram being one social media platform, wherein the user can be 13 years of age to sign up, needs some more precautionary measures.

Yesterday, the head of Instagram, Mr. Adam Mosseri announced that everyone who signs up for an Instagram account who is under 16 will be defaulted to a private account. You have to be at least 13 years old to even sign up for an account and, historically, all users could choose between a public or private account when they signed up. Now, young users will be opted into a private account and will have to manually switch to a public one.

For young users who already have public accounts, they’ll be prompted with a notification that highlights “the benefits of a private account” and will explain how to change their privacy settings. Something like this –

Furthermore, the social media giant is will also start limiting the ways advertisers and young people can interact on both Instagram and Facebook by only allowing advertisers to target ads to people under 18 based on their age, gender, and location and not on things like interests or activity on other apps and websites.

How this Instagram move is useful for young people?

In the words of Instagram – “We want young people to enjoy using Instagram while making sure we never compromise on their privacy and safety. We’ll continue listening to them, their parents, lawmakers and experts to build an Instagram that works for young people and is trusted by parents.”

You can read the full Instagram report here.

It’s currently not sure that how this move by the social media giant will make young people safe on the app, but one thing is sure that the social media platform is surely concerned about the safety of its young users.

As a matter of fact, social media apps, impact the growth and development of the children and attracts them to a different world altogether which is quite different from the reality. If one can, it’s better to avoid social media before you turn 18+

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