Instagram Follower Count No More An Important Metric

Instagram Follower Count

The world of Instagram is fast changing, and so should the creators on Instagram, specifically those who run after Instagram Follower Count.

For months, Instagram Chief Adam Mosseri has been working to convince creators that they should stop worrying about their follower count and start focusing on reach instead. Because reach, Mosseri says, is what every creator really wants.

Recently, Instagram has announced that it’s reforming its analytics to make “Views” the primary focus in each element.

To clarify, Instagram is specifically updating:

  • Reels Plays are being relabeled to “Views”
  • “Views” will become the primary metric for photos, carousels and stories 
  • In Insights, IG’s adding a “Views” icon instead of “Plays” and other metrics. This will replace “Accounts reached,” “Accounts engaged,” “Interactions,” and “Watch time.”

“As part of this change, repeat views of content will be counted, similar to how plays and replays are counted for reels.”

So you’re not only going to be refocused on views, but you’re also going to get a lot more of them, which Instagram probably hopes will help to ease in this shift.

So this means that Instagram Follower Count is no longer relevant?

Well, let’s take it this way – Instagram’s saying don’t get hung up on followers and likes, what matters most is that more people are seeing your content over time. 

If people are relying more on the system showing them what they want to see in the app, then you need to appeal to the algorithm to maximise reach. Logically, if engagement rates go up, that suggests that Instagram’s algorithm is showing users what they want to see, but it also means that you’re more reliant on playing the algorithm game, as opposed to building a following in the app.

Let’s see how people get used to this.

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