Instagram Is Testing Recent Stories Highlights

Instagram Is Testing Recent Stories Highlights

In order to drive in more engagement on the app, Instagram is testing recent stories highlight.

In the example below, posted by app researcher Hammod Oh(and shared by Matt Navarra), Instagram is currently testing a new “Lately” feature for Stories, which adds a new, automatically generated highlight feed to your profile that showcases your most recent Stories activity.

Essentially, the “Lately” Story it extends the life of your Stories beyond 24 hours, while also giving profile visitors more context as to the type of content that you post to your Stories feed.

The reason for Instagram Stories highlight as shared by Instagram Chief, Adam Mosseri –

“Friends post a lot more to stories and send a lot more DMs than they post to Feed.”

Instagram Recent Stories feature is named – Lately.

& here’s why Instagram Stories are able to drive engagement (from the team at Lights.Camera.Social) –

1. Creating a Sense of Urgency and Exclusivity

One of the most compelling aspects of Instagram Stories is their ephemeral nature. Content that disappears after 24 hours encourages users to check the app frequently to avoid missing out. This “fear of missing out” (FOMO) drives higher engagement rates as users are more likely to interact with content immediately. Brands and influencers can leverage this urgency to promote limited-time offers, flash sales, or exclusive content, boosting immediate engagement and driving traffic to their profiles or external websites.

2. Enhanced Visibility and Reach

A story appears at the top of the app, ensuring they are one of the first things users see when they open Instagram. This prime real estate increases the likelihood of views and interactions. Additionally, Instagram’s algorithm favors active and engaging content. Regularly posting Stories can improve a user’s overall profile visibility, making their posts more likely to appear in their followers’ feeds. This increased visibility is crucial for brands looking to expand their reach and attract new followers.

3. Interactive Features and Engagement Tools

A story offers a variety of interactive features designed to boost engagement:

  • Polls and Questions: These features allow users to interact directly with content by voting or asking questions, fostering a two-way communication channel.
  • Quizzes and Challenges: Fun and engaging, these features encourage users to participate actively, increasing the time they spend interacting with a brand.
  • Swipe-Up Links: For accounts with over 10,000 followers, the swipe-up feature allows users to link directly to external websites, driving traffic and conversions.
  • Stickers and GIFs: These playful elements can make Stories more entertaining and visually appealing, encouraging users to engage.

4. Humanizing Brands and Building Authentic Connections

Instagram Stories provide a platform for brands to showcase their human side. Behind-the-scenes content, day-in-the-life videos, and real-time updates create a sense of authenticity and relatability. This humanization helps build stronger emotional connections with the audience. For example, a brand might share the process of creating a product, introduce team members, or provide a glimpse into company culture. These personal touches can foster a loyal community and enhance brand affinity.

5. Real-Time Engagement and Feedback

One of the unique advantages is the ability to engage with audiences in real time. Live Stories, in particular, allow for immediate interaction through comments and likes. This real-time feedback loop enables brands to gauge audience reactions instantly and adjust their strategies accordingly. Whether launching a new product, conducting a Q&A session, or hosting a live event, real-time engagement helps create a dynamic and interactive experience for followers.

6. User-Generated Content and Community Building

Encouraging users to create and share their own Story related to a brand can significantly boost engagement. User-generated content (UGC) is highly trusted by consumers and can serve as powerful social proof. Brands can create hashtags or run contests to encourage followers to share their experiences. Featuring UGC in Stories not only provides fresh content but also makes followers feel valued and appreciated, fostering a sense of community.

7. Analytics and Insights

Instagram provides detailed analytics for Story, including views, interactions, and exit rates. These insights allow brands to measure the effectiveness of their Story and refine their content strategies. By analyzing which types of Stories resonate most with their audience, brands can optimize their approach to maximize engagement. Regularly reviewing these metrics helps in understanding audience preferences and behavior, leading to more targeted and effective content.

8. Creative Flexibility and Experimentation

The temporary nature of a story allows for more creative freedom and experimentation. Brands can test different types of content, styles, and formats without the pressure of permanence. This flexibility encourages innovation and can lead to the discovery of new and effective engagement tactics. For instance, a brand might experiment with different storytelling techniques, visual aesthetics, or interactive features to see what resonates best with their audience.

9. Cross-Promotion and Collaboration

A story can be a powerful tool for cross-promotion and collaboration. Brands can partner with influencers, other brands, or even their followers to create co-branded content. Collaborations can introduce a brand to a wider audience and add credibility through association. By tagging partners and using collaborative features like takeovers, where an influencer temporarily controls a brand’s Story, brands can diversify their content and reach new demographics.

10. Advertising Opportunities

They also offer robust advertising opportunities. Story ads appear seamlessly between user Stories and can include photos, videos, and carousels. These ads can be highly targeted based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring they reach the most relevant audience. The immersive, full-screen format of Story ads makes them more engaging compared to traditional ads, often leading to higher click-through rates and conversions.

11. Narrative and Storytelling

They are an excellent medium for narrative and storytelling. Brands can use a sequence of Story to tell a coherent and engaging story, keeping the audience hooked from one Story to the next. This storytelling approach can be used for product launches, brand history, customer testimonials, and more. A well-crafted narrative can captivate an audience, encouraging them to watch through the entire sequence and engage with calls to action at the end.

12. Fostering Follower Loyalty

Regularly posting engaging and high-quality Story helps in maintaining a consistent presence in followers’ lives. Consistency is key in building and maintaining follower loyalty. By continuously providing valuable, entertaining, or informative content, brands can keep their audience engaged and interested. Loyal followers are more likely to engage with content, participate in promotions, and become brand advocates.

13. Crisis Management and Transparency

In times of crisis, a story can be an effective tool for communication and transparency. Brands can use a story to provide timely updates, address concerns, and communicate directly with their audience. This real-time communication can help manage public perception and demonstrate a brand’s commitment to transparency and customer care. Quick, honest updates can mitigate negative impacts and reassure followers during challenging times.

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