Instagram Is Testing Unskippable Ads!

Instagram Testing Unskippable Ads

Yes, that’s true! Instagram is testing unskippable video ads on your main feed that will stop you from scrolling further.

According to various reports, Instagram is currently testing out a new video ad format that does indeed stop users from scrolling in the main feed of the app until they’ve viewed a video ad.

As you can see in this example below, shared by photographer Dan Levy, Instagram’s new in-feed ad units appear with a timer at the bottom, and you can’t scroll past the ad till the timer runs down.

 You’ll actually need to view the ad before you can keep scrolling, so these are essentially unskippable video ads in IG form.

Well, people were already not very pleased with YouTube unskippable ads, let’s see how they react it on Instagram.

Will Instagram unskipplable ads be good for advertisers? Well, time will tell. As on of now, some reasons why non-skippable ads can be good good or bad –

Non-skippable ads can be a double-edged sword in marketing. While they ensure that the entire message is delivered to the viewer, they also have potential drawbacks. Here are the pros and cons:


  1. Guaranteed Viewership:
    • Message Delivery: Ensures that the entire ad message is seen by the viewer, increasing the likelihood of message retention.
    • Brand Awareness: Can help in building brand awareness, especially for new products or services.
  2. Higher Engagement Rates:
    • Full Attention: Since viewers can’t skip, they are more likely to pay attention, potentially leading to higher engagement rates.
  3. Consistent Metrics:
    • Accurate Measurement: Provides consistent metrics for ad performance, as the entire ad is viewed, allowing for better analysis of effectiveness.


  1. Viewer Frustration:
    • Annoyance: Can cause frustration and annoyance, leading to a negative perception of the brand.
    • Ad Blockers: Increased use of ad blockers as viewers try to avoid non-skippable ads.
  2. Negative User Experience:
    • Disruption: Interrupts the viewer’s experience, which can be particularly irritating if the ad is irrelevant to them.
    • Potential Backlash: Can lead to a backlash against the brand if viewers feel their experience is being unduly disrupted.
  3. Lower Brand Perception:
    • Forced Viewing: Can create a perception that the brand is intrusive or desperate for attention.
    • Negative Association: If viewers are forced to watch ads frequently, they may develop a negative association with the brand.

Best Practices:

  1. Targeting and Relevance:
    • Ensure ads are highly targeted to the relevant audience to minimize annoyance and increase relevance.
  2. Creative Quality:
    • Invest in high-quality, engaging, and entertaining ad content to make the viewing experience enjoyable.
  3. Frequency Capping:
    • Limit the number of times a viewer sees the same ad to reduce frustration.
  4. Testing and Feedback:
    • Continuously test and gather feedback on ad performance to make necessary adjustments.

In summary, while non-skippable ads can be effective in delivering a complete message and ensuring engagement, they can also lead to negative viewer experiences if not executed thoughtfully. Brands should weigh these factors and consider their target audience’s preferences and behaviors when deciding on ad formats.

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