Instagram Reels to now feature ads

Instagram reels

Instagram Reels Will Now Feature Ads While Stickers Ads will be a part of Facebook Stories Soon – The social media giant has confirmed.

Alas, we never thought that the popular short video feature, will have ads in between, but, Instagram has now started placing ads between reels. he company has begun testing ads in the feature in select countries such as India, Brazil, Germany, and Australia, showing them in between regular content posted by users.

Instagram Reels

Instagram reels is an inspiration from TikTok.

Facebook has also revealed that in the coming weeks, it will introduce testing custom sticker ads on Facebook Stories among a handful of creators and advertising partners. These stickers will allow creators to monetize their Stories as they will get a cut of revenue from sales generated by them. These stickers will be designed by brands and creators will have the freedom to use them in their stories.

Facebook Sticker ads

What do you think of these new features on Instagram and Facebook? Please mention in comments below.

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