Is YouTube Shorts Monetisation A Flop?

YouTube Shorts Monetisation

Just one month since YouTube Shorts Monetisation started, and not a very great start for YouTube.

YouTube Shorts Monetisation

As tweeted by YouTube star Zach King

YouTube Shorts Monetisation

As you can see in this example from YouTube star Zach King, despite generating 196 million views with his Shorts clips in the first month of the program, King only took home $2,918 in revenue share.

King further notes that there are expanded benefits in Shorts, in regards to exposure and brand building, as opposed to straight monetization. 

“When I look at almost 197 Million views in a month, I don’t look at the payout I get from the platform, I look at exposure and what my CPM and cost were to get those views. Right now it’s extremely low cost when comparing to the exposure, which is why it’s not about the payout, it’s about brand building. My guess is YT monetization will slowly go up over the years and favor creators, but exposure and numbers like this will be more difficult to achieve.”

Which makes us wonder once again – Is YouTube Shorts Monetisation a flop?

Well, too early to answer, but, as of now, there’s no direct path to making millions from short-form clips.

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