Lead Gen Ad Tips By Meta

Lead Gen Ad Tips By Meta

Meta has shared some Lead Gen Ad Tips for marketers who are looking to run lead generation ad campaigns across its apps, which could provide some more guidance for your Lead Gen ads approach.

Lead Gen Ad Tips as Shared by Meta –

  • Take advantage of seasonal trends: New Year’s resolutions, spring cleaning, and summer vacation are all prime moments when potential customers will be more likely to be interested in your services. Last spring, between April and June there was 19% year on year growth in Meta lead ad submissions. Take advantage of these peak seasons to find new customers to grow your business.
  • Make it easy with instant forms, using tools that eliminate friction for your potential leads that don’t require your customer to click offsite – like auto-filling user info, quick loading on mobile – can prevent leads dropoff. According to Capacity Interactive Consultant, Aly Gomez, clients are finding instant form leads to be stickier than the leads generated from their website and recommends focusing on making the form as short as possible, only requesting the name and email address from a user to make it very easy for a lead to sign up.
  • Use Meta’s advanced AI to find your target campaign audience Ad sets that use Advantage+ audience with instant forms had 8% lower cost-per-lead, on average, compared to ad sets that used the original audience experience, for small business advertisers4.
  • Improve performance and lead quality with new features. Generating more valuable leads is easier than ever with new features like Conditional Logic and Conversions API for CRM integration.
  • Conditional logic within instant forms can help qualify leads by creating an instant form containing multiple questions within a question flow. John Wai Martial Arts sought to elevate the quality of its leads while minimizing cost per quality lead (CPQL). Leveraging Conditional Logic, the team streamlined lead submissions by instantly pre-filling prospective customers’ details from their Facebook profile after clicking on an ad. This enabled quick follow-up by the John Wai team and increased the conversion rate from lead to customer by 62% compared to using the instant forms alone.
  • Integrate your CRM with Conversions APIFor lead generation advertisers, Conversions API for CRM integration can enable a business to leverage their CRM data to drive performance by creating a direct connection between a business’s marketing data and the Meta’s ads delivery systems. A recent analysis of instant forms campaigns found those that had a CRM connected to our Conversions API and optimized for conversions leads cut cost per quality lead by 15% and increased those quality lead conversions by 44% on average.

and an example of how this helped –

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