Metaverse Plans A Translation Engine


Meta’s AI Project Metaverse is working on something exciting! It’s working on a translation engine that can understand 128 different languages!

Seems like this project (Metaverse) is out from a sci-fi movie, where aliens from different planets can understand each other languages. But, in the near future, Meta is going to make it a reality, with the exception of interacting with aliens though!

Metaverse project would be named as XLS-R.

In the words of Facebook’s AI

“Trained on more than 436,000 hours of publicly available speech recordings, XLS-R is based on wav2vec 2.0, our approach to self-supervised learning of speech representations. Utilizing speech data from different sources, ranging from parliamentary proceedings to audio books, we’ve expanded to 128 different languages, covering nearly two and a half times more languages than its predecessor.”

“Specifically, we tried it on five languages of BABEL, 10 languages of CommonVoice, eight languages of MLS, and the 14 languages of VoxPopuli.”


As you from the image above, the error rates for these systems are still relatively high for some languages, but the XLS-R shows a marked improvement in accuracy, which Facebook is still improving as it develops the process.

This would further open more opportunities for creators, with respect to, cross collaboration among different regions and countries.

Facebook is still developing the system, and Facebook also notes that there are more than 7,000 languages spoken in the world, so it’s a long way off a truly universal translator. But it’s another step towards that next stage, and towards making Facebook a more critical utility in connection.

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